Giving Makes You Happy Music Lyrics – Become Jehovah’s Friend Original Songs

How giving can make us happy? What can I give to make others happy? Who taught us that we should be giving? What are the blessings of being generous? Those questions are answered on this song entitled Giving Makes You Happy. It shows Caleb’s efforts to give something to each member of his family. Below is the lyrics to the song:

Giving Makes You Happy Music Lyrics
Become Jehovah’s Friend – Original Songs

Giving makes you happy,
and that’s what Jesus taught;
I like to give to others
whether they give back or not.
I like to see how happy
it makes them when I do;
When I see happy faces,
it makes me happy too.

I like getting presents,
but just like Jesus said,
I’m happier, I know,
if I can give a gift instead.
Sometimes I give a present
of something that I bought,
Or giving help to others—
it doesn’t take a lot.

Giving makes me happy,
I know it’s really true.
A gift can be a small thing,
even things I say or do.
Yes, giving makes me happy,
I know it’s really true,
‘Cause giving is a nice way
of saying, “I love you.”

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