Apply Yourself to Reading and Teaching​ — Audio, Meeting Workbook, Publication, Transcripts & Videos

Apply Yourself to Reading and Teaching​—(Audio & Videos)

This publication is designed to help sharpen your skills in public reading and in the arts of speaking and teaching.

Develop essential skills for public reading and teaching.

Table of Contents:

Download All Files (Audio)
Download All Files (Meeting Workbook)
Download All Files (Transcripts)
Download All Files (Videos)

PREFACE – A Letter From the Governing Body (Audio)
PREFACE – A Letter From the Governing Body (Video)
We teach the most important message ever given to humans.
1.    Effective Introduction
       An effective introduction accomplishes three objectives.

       Meeting Workbook
2.    Conversational Manner
       A conversational manner puts your audience at ease and helps them to be 
       receptive to your message.

       Meeting Workbook

3.   Use of Questions
      Ask tactful questions to arouse interest and emphasize important points.

       Meeting Workbook

4.   Scriptures Properly Introduced 
      See how to prepare the minds of your listeners before you read a scripture.

       Meeting Workbook

5.   Accurate Reading 
      Accurate reading is a fundamental part of conveying the knowledge of Jehovah.

       Meeting Workbook

6.   Scripture Application Made Clear
      Help your listeners to see the connection between the scripture you read 
      and the point you are making.

       Meeting Workbook

7.   Accurate and Convincing
      Accurate and convincing evidence will help your listeners reach the
      correct conclusion.

       Meeting Workbook

8.   Illustrations That Teach
      Enhance your teaching with simple illustrations that appeal to your
      listeners and teach important points.

       Meeting Workbook

9.   Appropriate Use of Visual Aids
      Use visual aids to make a more lasting impression on the mind.

       Meeting Workbook

10. Modulation
      Vary the pace, pitch, and power of your voice to stir emotion and 
      move your audience to action.

       Meeting Workbook

11. Enthusiasm
       Enthusiasm gives evidence of your strong feelings and helps hold the 
       interest of your listeners.

       Meeting Workbook

12. Warmth and Empathy
       If you speak with genuine emotion, you show your listeners that you care.

       Meeting Workbook

13. Practical Value Made Clear
       Help your listeners to understand how your subject affects their lives,
       and show them what to do with what they learn.

       Meeting Workbook

14. Main Points Made to Stand Out
       Help your audience to follow your talk, and make clear how each main 
       point relates to your objective and theme.

       Meeting Workbook

15. Expressed With Conviction
       Speak with conviction. Show that you firmly believe in the importance
       of what you are saying.

       Meeting Workbook

16. Upbuilding and Positive
       Be constructive rather than critical. Direct attention to the refreshing 
        truths in God’s Word.

       Meeting Workbook

17. Understandable to Others
      Help your listeners to understand your message. Convey key points

       Meeting Workbook

18. Informative to Your Audience
       Stimulate the thinking of your listeners and help them learn something 

       Meeting Workbook

19. Effort to Reach the Heart
      Motivate your listeners to love God and his Word, the Bible.

       Meeting Workbook

20. Effective Conclusion
      An effective conclusion will help your listeners to accept and apply
      what they have learned.

       Meeting Workbook

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