What Is True Love?

What Is True Love?

Bible principles can help Christians to choose a good marriage mate as well as to show true love to each other once married.

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Blessings of Learning a Language

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The Prodigal Returns


What indicated that David was drifting away spiritually, and how did his family and the elders try to help him?
He attends to Philips who is a servant of Jehovah, but over time his spirituality deteriorates. He begins to live a double life, spiritually weakens, and ends up becoming a bad company. At Philips he introduced him to other friends in the company.

We had said, that we would talk together, before deciding. Now you come to me to say, which starts next week.
Dad, I did not think they would offer me the job right away. On the contrary, I really thought they would not offer it to me.
But you could not take at least a day to decide.
I wanted to do that, but Al said, I had to take the ball.
It’s all clear, there’s Al Philips, of course.
Look, he’s right.
Understand, they offered me a job, so I have no experience. And at the talks, there were a lot of people, very well prepared, what I had to do.
What dad, he asked you to do. You know that gentleman who feeds you.
Please, please. You know we would like you to continue, to work in the family. I’m sorry to lose you, but if you’ve decided to make a living in another way, I can do with it. But have you calculated the cost well? What effect will this have on your spirituality?
In my opinion nobody, dad.
You have thought about all the time you will lose, every day on the move. Coming to and from the city at peak times can be a nightmare.
But also other brothers do it.
How many hours will you have to work, and this will not hinder your service as an auxiliary pioneer, and the meetings?
It may be difficult for the service, but not for the meetings.
What does it mean, have you told him about the meetings or not?
Do you mind, can you let me talk to mom and dad? Dad, my spirituality, is not in danger.
Ok, leave it alone. And your half, to be a regular pioneer? We put aside some money, to help you reach it.
I am very pleased, that you are worried about me, really! But remember that I’m 21 now.
You know, I’ve seen brothers so absorbed in their work, that they have almost no time left, and energy for Jehovah. I would just like to make sure that you are reflecting on it, David.
What does your father always say, honey? Before cutting, measure twice.
I know mom, I know. I’m thinking about it. I am very, very enthusiastic about this work. Please do not worry about me. Look, I’m not leaving the truth!
No, I’m sure.
Well, do not you want to eat something else?
No, I really would like to review the speech before the meeting.
Sure, go.
Start spending more time with work colleagues, and less time with family and siblings. Tired during family worship. Distracted, and busy answering the phone during the service. Comes late to meetings.
The father talks to him: What happens to you David …
Dad what do you mean? I study, I come to meetings, sometimes I arrive late …
I know, I know, but lately you did …
The Elders advise him: Have you noticed this expression, do you rejoice? Does not it make you think of the hall of the kingdom, and the good times spent with the brothers?
Yes sure.
Brother, James, tries to help David by saying, What’s going on?
There’s nothing to worry about, everything’s fine.
Everything is alright? But if in two months, he has already missed six meetings. And three weekends you did not go out on duty … do not study the watchtower, at the meetings practically do not comment, and you do not do anything but talk about work, so it does not work.
David accuses him of being jealous of Al, of his job and of his life because of success, to many friends, and he enjoys life.

How were Brother and Sister Barker good examples as parents?
The video reflects on the emotional vortex that a parent must experience when there is tension in the home. Above all, when a son decides to leave Jehovah, and the truth. In David’s family, parents do everything they can. But the problems remain. And this causes, great anxiety, is a harrowing pain. Those parents remain loyal to Jehovah, and continue to serve him in the congregation, even when the child adopts wrong behavior, or makes wrong choices. Those parents can overcome these moments, only thanks to a strong relationship with Jehovah.
We can see the way in which the father is interested in children. It does not lose reasonableness and balance, nor does it condone actions, and wrong choices. We see him picking up David, comforting his wife, and also praising and reassuring his other son, James. Keep calm, common sense, and impartiality, even when things do not go as they would like.

What lessons did the video teach about . . .

devoting our life to our secular work?
*** w03 2/1 pp. 4-6 How to Cultivate a Balanced View of Work ***
Cultivate a Godly Work Ethic
Some people are workaholics, putting their job before all else. Others live for day’s end when they can quit work and go home. What is the balanced view? The Bible answers: “Better is a handful of rest than a double handful of hard work and striving after the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 4:6) Working too hard or too long is, in fact, counterproductive—a vain “striving after the wind.” Why so? Because we may well do injury to the very things that are responsible for our greatest happiness: our relationship with family and friends, our spirituality, our health, and even our longevity. (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) The balanced view is to be content with less material gain along with a reasonable measure of peace rather than be loaded down with a double dose of work along with strife and misery.

Be Wise in Your Choice of Work

While not telling us what kind of work to pursue, the Bible gives us fine guidelines so that our spiritual advancement, service to God, and other important responsibilities are not compromised. For example, the apostle Paul wrote: “The time left is reduced. Henceforth let those . . . making use of the world [be] as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing.” (1 Corinthians 7:29-31) There is nothing permanent or completely stable in the present system of things. Giving all our time and energy to it is like investing our entire life’s savings in a house that is built in a flood zone. What an imprudent investment!
Other Bible translations render the phrase “not using it to the full” as “not become engrossed in it” and “not fully occupied with them.” (The Jerusalem Bible; Today’s English Version) Wise people never lose sight of the fact that the time “is reduced” for the present system and that to be “engrossed,” or “fully occupied,” in it will inevitably lead to disappointment and regret.—1 John 2:15-17.

bad associations?
*** w13 2/15 p. 24 Beware of the Intentions of the Heart ***
Our choice of associates. Of course, some contact with unbelievers—such as at school, at work, and when sharing in the ministry—is unavoidable. It is quite another matter, though, to socialize with them, even cultivating close friendships with them. Do we justify such association by saying that they have many good qualities? “Do not be misled,” warns the Bible. “Bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Cor. 15:33) Just as a small amount of pollution can contaminate clean water, friendship with those who do not practice godly devotion can contaminate our spirituality and lead us into adopting worldly viewpoints, dress, speech, and conduct.

*** w06 3/15 p. 23 pars. 8-10 “Each One Will Carry His Own Load” ***
8 “Do not be misled,” wrote the apostle Paul. “Bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Corinthians 15:33) Jesus Christ told his disciples: “You are no part of the world.” (John 15:19) Upon learning these principles, we quickly see the need to avoid fellowship with fornicators, adulterers, thieves, drunkards, and the like. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) As we progress in knowledge of Bible truth, though, we realize that spending time with such individuals by watching them in movies, on television, or on computer screens or by reading about them in books is just as damaging. The same can be said of associating in Internet chat rooms “with those who hide what they are.”—Psalm 26:4.
9 What about having close association with those who may be morally clean but who lack faith in the true God? The Scriptures tell us: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) We come to discern that bad associations are not limited to permissive or morally debased people. Hence, we are wise to cultivate close friendships only with those who love Jehovah.
10 Completely avoiding contact with those in the world is neither possible nor required. (John 17:15) Sharing in the Christian ministry, attending school, going to work all involve contact with the world. A Christian married to an unbeliever may have to rub shoulders with the world more than others do. Having our perceptive powers trained, however, we appreciate that it is one thing to have necessary limited contact with the world and quite another to cultivate close ties with it. (James 4:4) Thus, we are able to make mature decisions as to whether we will participate in extracurricular activities at school, such as sports events and dances, and attend parties and dinners arranged for fellow employees.

listening to counsel?
*** w14 8/15 pp. 24-25 Hear Jehovah’s Voice Wherever You Are ***
10 We must recognize that our heart can lead us astray. What power our sinful tendencies exert on us! Take, for example, pride and greed. Consider how each of these traits can interfere with our listening to the voice of Jehovah and can lead us to take a disastrous course. A proud person has an exaggerated opinion of himself. He may feel that he has the right to do whatever he wants and that no one can tell him what to do. So he may feel that he is above the direction and counsel of fellow Christians, the elders, or even God’s organization. For such a person, the sound of Jehovah’s voice becomes very faint.
14 Both pride and greed can lead to disaster. Reflection on the outcome of pursuing a wrong course will help us not to allow such inclinations to drown out the voice of Jehovah. (Deut. 32:29) In the Bible, the true God not only tells us what the right course is but also explains the benefits of walking in it as well as the consequences of going the wrong way. If our heart moves us to contemplate doing something that is motivated by pride or greed, how wise it would be to think about the consequences! We should consider how wrongdoing would affect us, our loved ones, and especially our relationship with Jehovah.

*** w12 3/15 p. 29 par. 18 Do Not Look at “the Things Behind” ***
18 Painful counsel. What if we are tempted to look back resentfully at some counsel that we received? This can be not only painful but also debilitating—causing us to “give out.” (Heb. 12:5) Whether we “belittle” the counsel because we reject it or we “give out” because we accept it and then give up, the result is the same—we do not truly allow the counsel to benefit and refine us. How much better to heed Solomon’s words: “Take hold on discipline; do not let go. Safeguard it, for it itself is your life.” (Prov. 4:13) Like a driver who obeys road signs, let us accept the counsel, apply it, and move forward.—Prov. 4:26, 27; read Hebrews 12:12, 13.

Repentance and Forgiveness?
** w17 January p. 10 pars. 13-14 “Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good” ***
13 What David could do: David allowed Jehovah to help him recover spiritually. One way he did that was by accepting correction from Jehovah’s representative, the prophet Nathan. (2 Sam. 12:13) David also prayed to Jehovah, confessing his sins and expressing a sincere desire to be restored to Jehovah’s favor. (Ps. 51:1-17) Instead of being paralyzed by guilt, David learned from his mistakes. Indeed, he never repeated those serious sins. Years later, he died faithful, his record of integrity firmly sealed in Jehovah’s memory.—Heb. 11:32-34.
14 What can we learn from David’s example? If we fall into serious sin, we need to repent sincerely and seek Jehovah’s forgiveness. We must confess our sins to him. (1 John 1:9) We also need to approach the elders, who can offer us spiritual help. (Read James 5:14-16.) By availing ourselves of Jehovah’s arrangements, we show that we trust in his promise to heal and forgive us. Thereafter, we do well to learn from our mistakes, move forward in our service to Jehovah, and look to the future with confidence.—Heb. 12:12, 13.

*** w01 6/1 p. 31 Confession That Leads to Healing ***
This episode in David’s life serves as an encouragement to all who have fallen into serious sin. By confessing our sin and showing sincere repentance, we can regain our most precious possession, our relationship with Jehovah God. The momentary pain and shame we may have to endure is far better than the anguish caused by remaining silent, or the dire consequence of allowing ourselves to become hardened in a rebellious course. (Psalm 32:9) Rather, we can experience the warm forgiveness of a loving, merciful God, “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort.”—2 Corinthians 1:3.

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‘Good News to Every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue’

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The Kingdom—100 Years and Counting

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The New World Society in Action

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Jehovah’s Witnesses—Faith in Action, Part 2: Let the Light Shine

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To the Ends of the Earth

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United by Divine Teaching

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Pursue Goals That Honor God

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