Use Videos to Teach Your Bible Students

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Improving Our Skills in the Ministry–Discontinuing Unproductive Bible Studies

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Discontinuing Unproductive Bible Studies

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Improving Our Skils in the Ministry—Helping “Rightly Disposed” Ones to Become Disciples

Improving Our Skils in the Ministry—Helping “Rightly Disposed” Ones to Become Disciples

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Preach in a Multilingual Territory

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Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Starting Conversations That Can Lead to a Witness

Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Starting Conversations That Can Lead to a Witness

Jesus was able to witness informally to a Samaritan woman because he started a conversation with her. How can we improve our skills at starting conversations with strangers?

Be friendly and speak to people. Although tired, Jesus started his conversation by simply asking for a drink. So you can begin with a warm greeting and then perhaps comment on the weather or a current event. Remember, the initial goal is just to start a conversation, so talk about any subject that might be of interest to the person. If he or she does not respond, nothing is lost. Try again with someone else. Ask Jehovah for courage.—Ne 2:4; Ac 4:29.

Be alert for an opportunity to introduce the good news, but do not be in a hurry. Allow the conversation to develop naturally. If you force matters, the person may become uneasy and stop conversing. Do not be disappointed if the conversation ends before you can give a witness. If the idea of trying to introduce the good news intimidates you, practice starting conversations without the goal of giving a witness. [Play and discuss video 1.]

Try creating an opportunity for a witness by making a heartfelt statement about your faith that might prompt the listener to ask for an explanation. Jesus made intriguing statements that moved the woman to ask questions. When he eventually introduced the good news, he was merely answering her questions.

[Play and discuss video 2, and then play and discuss video 3.]

Starting a conversation is much like playing a game of catch. Both require at least two participants and are relatively easy to initiate. At your next opportunity, “toss” someone your words, and see if you can start a conversation.

Our Meetings and Ministry – Starting Conversations—Video 1

Excuse me, lady, can I sit here?
What a beautiful day today. I really like this park so quiet.

What a beautiful day today!
It’s true! Today, you’re just fine.
I really like this park, it’s so peaceful.
Yes, indeed. I’ve been coming here since I was my daughter’s age. They often took me there, my parents.
Is it nice, and has the park changed a lot since the hour?
Not much. The trees and bushes are larger, and that driveway has been added for walking.
You know, I’ve been coming here for about a year. We moved to the area, shortly after my husband retired.

And where did you live before?
On the other side, of the city.
I do not go often, in those parts. Is there a nice park to walk around?
Yes, but it’s not as nice as this. I too often took my children when they were young.
Ah! How many children do you have?
We have two males, and one female.
It must have been difficult. I have only one daughter, and it’s really challenging. Sometimes I wonder if I can grow it well, but maybe you learn with time.
Look, my husband and I, we followed some advice, which in our case have always worked. Can I show you?

Our Meetings and Ministry – Starting Conversations—Video 2

I think today the doctor is a bit late with visits.
Already! I had an appointment 20 minutes ago, and he has not called me yet.
Anyway, I have to say, that I’m fine with this doctor. It’s not hurried when you visit. Maybe that’s why it’s late, because it takes all the time it takes to visit patients.
But it will be like that, but my arthritis is making itself felt today. I just wish it was hurried, so I can go home.

Eh, I understand it perfectly, I’ve had arthritis for a long time.
The Watchtower  |  No. 1 2019
Everyone is subject to sickness and death today, but that will not be the case much longer. God will soon apply the benefits of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice so that “everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) What will be the result?
Sickness will be eradicated. “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’ The people dwelling in the land will be pardoned for their error.”—Isaiah 33:24.
THE WATCHTOWER No. 3 2018 | Does God Care About You?
God Will Soon End All Suffering 

Our Meetings and Ministry – Starting Conversations—Video 3

I understand it, perfectly. I too have been arthritis for a long time. I can not wait for the moment to come, when no one will have arthritis any more, or any other illness. You know, the day will come, when no one will get sick anymore.
What do you mean! Do you think doctors will find the cure for arthritis?
No! Honestly, I do not think doctors will ever succeed. But did he know that God promised to eliminate diseases?
I had none, never heard of it.
Look, I’ll show you.

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Navigating JW.ORG

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Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Navigating JW.ORG

WHY IMPORTANT: Every publication in our Teaching Toolbox refers to In fact, the main purpose of the contact card and the tract Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions? is to direct people to our website. You can place a publication from our Teaching Toolbox with someone by using to e-mail an electronic copy or share a link. This can be especially helpful when witnessing to someone who speaks another language. Additionally, people may ask questions that are answered by publications not found in our Teaching Toolbox. If we can navigate the website, we can be more effective in our ministry.

Use the “BIBLE TEACHINGS” tab. Suppose that you are witnessing to a parent who would like more information about child-rearing. Go to BIBLE TEACHINGS > MARRIAGE & FAMILY.
Use the “PUBLICATIONS” tab. Suppose that you are witnessing informally at school and you want to share with a classmate the brochure Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask. Go to PUBLICATIONS > BOOKS & BROCHURES.
Use the “ABOUT US” tab. Suppose that you are witnessing to a coworker who would like to read a brief explanation of our beliefs. Go to ABOUT US > FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.


Before offering a printed publication in the Ministry, we try to know its contents. Likewise, when we address people to the site, using the teacher’s kit publications, we need to know how to navigate well on the site.

For example, if we give someone a business card, and we simply say that the site will find some interesting content, maybe the person will not be motivated enough to visit the site. Saying something specific instead could stimulate your curiosity.

You could say, maybe you’ll be surprised to know, that one of the most asked questions on our website is: What does the Bible say about tattoos?
Another question that intrigues many is: Has the day of our death been established? I think he will find the answer interesting, which is given.
These articles can be found by typing tattoos, I have day / death, in the search bar of the site.

You can use the site, also to help people looking for the answer to specific questions.

An Atheist

 For example, where you can find information, which could be of interest to those who question the existence of God. On the homepage, click on “BIBLE TEACHINGS”, and then on science and the Bible. In this section, you will find interviews, accurate articles, to support the existence of a creator.

Someone Who Has Just Suffered a Tragedy

Where you can find information, which could help, to those affected by a tragedy. On the homepage, click on “BIBLE TEACHINGS”, and then on peace and Happiness. In this section, under the coping with tragedy you will find accurate articles on how to help someone who has just been hit by a tragedy.

An Inactive Brother or Sister

Where you can find information that could help an inactive publisher. To find the booklet, Return to Jehovah, type the brochure title in the search bar, and then click on search.

A Return Visit Who Wonders How Our Work Is Financed

 And if someone asks you, how our work is financed. At the top of the home page, click “ABOUT US”, and then, about Jehovah’s Witnesses. You will find the link to the article, How is the Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses Financed?

A Person From Another Country Who Wants to Attend a Meeting in His Homeland

And if a person of another nationality wants to attend a meeting in his country of origin. At the top of the home page, click “ABOUT US”, and then, on meetings.

Click on Find a location near you, in the search bars, enter the language, and enter an address or location, and then click on search.

If we know how to navigate well on, we can help people of all kinds to accept the good news.

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LIFE AND MINISTRY MEETING WORKBOOK | Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Using Videos to Teach

Publishers show a video to a family

Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Using Videos to Teach

Why should we use our videos in the ministry? How can they enhance our teaching?

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Improving Our Skills in the Ministry​—Using Questions Effectively

Improving Our Skills in the Ministry​—Using Questions Effectively

Download text and pictures here

Improving Our Skills in the Ministry​—Using Questions Effectively

WHY IMPORTANT: If “the thoughts of a man’s heart are like deep waters,” then questions are like a bucket to draw them out. (Pr 20:5) Questions help us to involve our listeners. Answers to well-chosen questions often provide valuable feedback. Jesus used questions effectively. How can we imitate him?


Ask viewpoint questions. Jesus asked a series of questions to determine his disciples’ point of view. (Mt 16:13-16; be 238 ¶3-5) What viewpoint questions might you ask?

Ask leading questions. To correct Peter’s thinking, Jesus asked questions and provided possible answers that led Peter to the right conclusion. (Mt 17:24-26) What leading questions might you ask to help someone reach the right conclusion?

Commend your listener. After a scribe “answered intelligently,” Jesus commended him. (Mr 12:34) How might you commend someone who gives an answer to a question?

Be respectful. We do not have the authority that Jesus had. So we must show respect especially to older ones, people we do not know, and those in positions of authority.​—1Pe 2:17.


Why is this an example of poor teaching, even though the information is accurate?

*** mwb16 September p. 8 Avoid These Pitfalls When Conducting a Bible Study ***
 Talking Too Much: Do not feel that you must explain everything. Jesus used questions to help people think and arrive at the right conclusion. (Mt 17:24-27) Questions make the study lively and help you to determine what your student understands and believes. (be 253 ¶3-4) When asking a question, be patient and wait for the answer. If the student gives the wrong answer, instead of telling him the right answer, lead him to the correct conclusion by using additional questions. (be 238 ¶1-2) Talk at a pace that allows the student to grasp new ideas. —be 230 ¶4.
 Making It Complicated: Avoid the temptation to relate all that you know on the subject. (Joh 16:12) Focus on the main point of the paragraph. (be 226 ¶4-5) Details, even interesting ones, can obscure the main points. (be 235 ¶3) Once the main point is understood by the student, move on to the next paragraph.
Why must we do more than just explain the information?
*** mwb16 September p. 8 Avoid These Pitfalls When Conducting a Bible Study ***
 Just Covering Material: Our objective is to reach the heart, not cover material. (Lu 24:32) Utilize the power of God’s Word by focusing on the key scriptures in the lesson. (2Co 10:4; Heb 4:12; be 144 ¶1-3) Use simple illustrations. (be 245 ¶2-4) Consider the student’s personal challenges and beliefs, and tailor the lesson to him. Ask questions like these: “How do you feel about what you are learning here?” “What does this teach us about Jehovah?” “What benefit do you see in applying such counsel?”—be 238 ¶3-5; 259 ¶1.


How did the brother use questions effectively?

*** km 10/11 p. 1 pars. 1-4 Help the Householder to Reason ***
1 Which approach in the ministry is more effective—one that is dogmatic or one that helps the householder to reason and draw the correct conclusions? The apostle Paul used the latter when speaking to Jews in Thessalonica, and “as a result some of them became believers.” (Acts 17:2-4) What is involved in reasoning with others?
2 Consider Feelings and Background: A reasoning approach takes into account the feelings of those in the territory. Paul started a discourse to unbelieving Greeks at the Areopagus by mentioning things they likely knew and accepted. (Acts 17:22-31) Therefore, when preparing your presentation, consider the common beliefs and prejudices of people in your territory. (1 Cor. 9:19-22) If the householder raises an objection, try to find common ground, and build your conversation on that.
3 Use Questions Skillfully: We cannot give a traveler directions to help him reach his destination unless we know his current location. Similarly, we cannot help a householder to reach the proper conclusion unless we know his current opinion. Before reasoning with a listener, Jesus often asked questions to find out the person’s thinking. For example, when someone asked Jesus, “By doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?,” Jesus sought the man’s viewpoint before answering. (Luke 10:25-28) On another occasion, when Peter gave a wrong answer, Jesus skillfully used questions to correct his thinking. (Matt. 17:24-26) Therefore, if the householder asks a question or expresses a wrong opinion, we can use questions to help him to reason on matters.
4 When we help the householder to reason, we imitate the Great Teacher, Jesus, as well as other skillful evangelizers in the first century. We dignify the householder and show him respect. (1 Pet. 3:15) As a result, he may be more inclined to allow us to return.

What other aspects of his teaching can we imitate?

*** km 11/04 p. 4 pars. 3-4 Part 3—Conducting Progressive Bible Studies ***
3 Use Questions: Instead of explaining Bible texts to the student, have him explain them to you. You can prompt him to do this by the skillful use of questions. If the application of a scripture is obvious, you might simply ask how the text supports what is stated in the paragraph. In other cases, a more specific question or series of questions may be needed to direct the student to the proper conclusion. If further explanations are needed, these can be made after the student has responded.
4 Keep It Simple: A skilled archer often needs just one arrow to hit a target. Similarly, a skilled teacher does not require many words to make a point. He can convey information simply, clearly, and accurately. At times, you may need to do research in Christian publications to understand a scripture and explain it correctly. (2 Tim. 2:15) But avoid trying to explain every aspect of each scripture in the study. Include only what is needed to make the point under consideration.

What effect does our teaching have on others? (Lu 24:32)

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