2021 Memorial of the Death of Christ

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For countdown Calendar visit: MeekSpaceNG here.

Date:      Saturday March 27, 2021
Venue:   Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Time:     After Sundown 

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2021 Memorial of the Death of Christ

MeekSpaceNG has moved to WORDPRESS

For countdown Calendar visit: MeekSpaceNG here.

Date:      Saturday March 27, 2021
Venue:   Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Time:     After Sundown 

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2020 Memorial of the Death of Christ

MeekSpaceNG has moved to WORDPRESS

For countdown Calendar visit: MeekSpaceNG here.

Date:      April 07  2020
Venue:   Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Time:     After Sundown 

#featured, #memorial, #programs-and-events

2020 Memorial of the Death of Christ

MeekSpaceNG has moved to WORDPRESS

For countdown Calendar visit: MeekSpaceNG here.

Date:      April 07  2020
Venue:   Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Time:     After Sundown 

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1939 The Issue of Neutrality Is Clarified

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1939 – The issue of Christian Neutrality is clarified

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1939 The Issue of Neutrality Is Clarified

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1939 – The issue of Christian Neutrality is clarified

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Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916)

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Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916),

Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916), or Pastor Russell, was a prominent early 20th century Christian restorationist minister from Pittsburgh.

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Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916)

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Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916),

Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916), or Pastor Russell, was a prominent early 20th century Christian restorationist minister from Pittsburgh.

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An Interesting Chronological Chart

An Interesting Chronological Chart

Since the issuance of the book The Time Is at Hand in 1889 the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society has not published a consecutive chronology from man’s creation onward. In recent years, especially since the revising of our dates back from Jerusalem’s destruction and reconstruction in the 7th and 6th centuries before Christ, some have evidenced the desire to have such a chronology available for ready reference. So on the next two pages we seek to date events of importance to students of God’s Word and incorporate material that has appeared in various recent publications of the Society. The reader will note that many dates are approximate, and these, of course, are subject to revision as we get better evidence concerning the time of the events thus involved.

[Chart on page 221, 222]

(For fully formatted text, see publication)


Symbols: “a” for “after”; “b” for “before”; “c” for “circa or “about”


4025 B.C. Adam’s creation (in the fall) Gen. 2:7

a 4025 B.C. Adam writes Doc. No. I, Gen. 1:1-2:4 Gen. 2:4

a 4025 B.C. Edenic covenant made, first prophecy Gen. 3:15

b 3895 B.C. Cain slays Abel Gen. 4:8

3403 B.C. Birth of righteous Enoch Gen. 5:18

3338 B.C. Birth of Methuselah Gen. 5:21

3151 B.C. Birth of Lamech Gen. 5:25

b 3096 B.C. Adam writes Doc. No. II, Gen. 2:5-5:2 Gen. 5:1

3096 B.C. Death of Adam, within his 930th yr. Gen. 5:5

3038 B.C. Transference of Enoch Gen. 5:24

Ends his period of prophesying Jude 14

2969 B.C. Birth of Noah Gen. 5:28, 29

2490 B.C. God’s pronouncement as to mankind Gen. 6:3

2469 B.C. Birth of Japheth Gen. 5:32;

Ge 9:24;

Ge 10:21

2468 B.C. Birth of Shem Gen. 7:11;

Ge 11:10

c 2420- Noah begins to build the ark Gen. 6:14

2410 B.C. Noah’s preaching of righteousness

begins 2 Pet. 2:5

2370 B.C. Methuselah dies, within his 969th

year Gen. 5:27

2370 B.C. Flood waters begin to fall (in Nov.) Gen. 7:11

Noah 599 years old or in his 600th yr.

c 2370 B.C. Noah writes Doc. III, Gen. 5:3-6:9 Gen. 6:9

2369 B.C. Flood on earth—Noah 600 years old Gen. 7:6

2369 B.C. Making of the covenant after the

flood Gen. 8:13;

Ge 9:16

2368 B.C. Birth of Arphaxad Gen. 11:10

a 2239 B.C. Building of the Tower of Babel Gen. 11:4

2020 B.C. Death of Noah, within his 950th yr. Gen. 9:28, 29

a 2020 B.C. Shem, Ham, Japheth write Document IV, Gen. 10:1

Gen. 6:9—10:1

2018 B.C. Birth of Abraham Gen. 11:26

a 1978 B.C. Terah writes Doc. No. VI,

Gen. 11:10-27 Gen. 11:27

1943 B.C. Abraham enters Canaan. Abrahamic Gen. 12:4, 7

covenant made Ex. 12:40;

Beginning of the 430-year period Gal. 3:17

b 1933 B.C. Lot rescued. Abraham visits

Melchizedek Gen. 14:16,

Ge 14:18;

Ge 16:3

1932 B.C. Ishmael born Gen. 16:15,

Ge 16:16

1919 B.C. Covenant of circumcision made Gen. 17:1,

Ge 17:10,

Ge 17:24

a 1919 B.C. Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah Gen. 19:24

1918 B.C. Birth of Isaac the true heir Gen. 21:2

Beginning of the “about 450 years” Acts 13:19

1913 B.C. Weaning of Isaac. Ishmael sent away Gen. 21:8;

Ge 15:13

Beginning of the 400-year oppression Acts 7:6

c 1893 B.C. Isaac offered on Moriah. God adds

oath Gen. 22:2, 16

1881 B.C. Death of Sarah, age 127 Gen. 23:1

1878 B.C. Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah Gen. 25:20

b 1868 B.C. Shem writes Doc. No. V,

Gen. 10:2—11:10 Gen. 11:10

1868 B.C. Death of Shem, within 600 years Gen. 11:11

1858 B.C. Birth of Esau and Jacob Gen. 25:26

1844 B.C. Death of Abraham, within 175 years Gen. 25:7

a 1843 B.C. Ishmael (and Isaac) writes Document Gen. 25:12

No. VII, Gen. 11:27—25:12

1818 B.C. Esau marries Judith, the Hittitess Gen. 26:34

1796 B.C. Death of Ishmael, within his

137th yr. Gen. 25:17

a 1795 B.C. Isaac writes Document No. VIII, Gen. 25:19

Gen. 25:13-19

1781 B.C. Jacob flees to Haran; his vision at Gen. 28:2,

Bethel Ge 28:13,

Ge 28:19;

Ge 30:25,

Ge 30:26;

Ge 31:41

1774 B.C. Jacob marries Leah and Rachel Gen. 29:23-30

1767 B.C. Birth of Joseph Gen. 30:23,

Ge 30:24

1761 B.C. Jacob returns to Canaan from Haran Gen. 31:18,

Ge 31:41

c 1761 B.C. Jacob wrestles angel, is named Israel Gen. 32:24-28

1750 B.C. Joseph sold as a slave by his

brothers Gen. 37:2

1739 B.C. Death of Isaac within his 180th year Gen. 35:28,

Ge 35:29

a 1739 B.C. Esau writes Doc. No. IX,

Gen. 25:19—36:1 Gen. 36:1

a 1739 B.C. Esau writes Doc. No. X, Gen. 36:2-9 Gen. 36:9

1737 B.C. Joseph made prime minister of Egypt Gen. 41:40,

Ge 41:46

b 1728 B.C. Jacob writes Doc. No. XI,

Gen. 36:10—37:2 Gen. 37:2

1728 B.C. Jacob with his whole family enters Gen. 45:6;

Egypt Ge 46:26

Ge 47:9

1712 B.C. Death of Jacob, within his 147th

year Gen. 47:28

1657 B.C. Death of Joseph, age 110 Gen. 50:26

b 1613 B.C. Job’s trial Job 1:8;

Job 42:16

c 1600 B.C. Egypt begins growth as 1st world

power Ex. 1:8

1593 B.C. Birth of Moses Ex. 2:2

1553 B.C. Moses offers himself as a deliverer;

flees to Midian Ex. 2:11, 14,

Ex 2:15

Acts 7:23

c 1514 B.C. Moses at the burning thornbush Ex. 3:2

1513 B.C. Passover; Egypt’s power shaken; Ex. 12:12;

Red Sea disaster; Israelites leave Ex 14:27

Egypt; end of 400-yr. period of Ex. 14:29, 30

affliction Gen. 15:13,

Ge 15:14

Giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai Ex. 19:3-8

End of the 430-year period Gal. 3:17;

Ex. 12:40;

Moses compiles Genesis in wilderness John 5:46

1512 B.C. Tabernacle construction completed Ex. 40:17

Consecration of the Aaronic Lev. 8:34-36


Moses writes Exodus and Leviticus Lev. 27:34;

Num. 1:1

c 1490 B.C. Moses writes the book of Job

1473 B.C. Moses completes Numbers in Moab Num. 35:1;

Nu 36:13

Covenant of faithfulness in Moab Deut. 29:1

Moses writes Deuteronomy Deut. 1:1, 3

Moses dies on Nebo in Moab, age 120 Deut. 34:5, 7

Israel enters Canaan under Joshua Jos. 4:19

1467 B.C. End of Joshua’s war operations in Jos. 11:23;

Canaan Jos 14:7,

Jos 14:10-15

End of the “about 450 years” Acts 13:19,

Ac 13:20, NW

b 1454 B.C. Joshua writes the book of Joshua Jos. 1:1;

Jos 24:26

c 1454 B.C. Death of Joshua, age 110 Jos. 24:29

c 1192 B.C. Birth of Samuel 1 Sam. 1:20

c 1173 B.C. Jephthah’s victory over Ammon Judg. 11:26,

Jg 11:33

b 1137 B.C. Ark removed from Shiloh 1 Sam. 4:3,

1Sa 4:11

Eli’s judgeship ends 1 Sam. 4:18

Samuel continues judging 1 Sam. 6:1,

1Sa 6:21;

1Sa 7:1, 2,

1Sa 7:15

c 1137 B.C. Jonathan, son of Saul born 1 Sam. 13:1,

1Sa 13:2

1117 B.C. Samuel anoints Saul as king of Israel 1 Sam. 10:24

Acts 13:21

1107 B.C. Birth of David at Bethlehem 1 Sam. 16:1

2 Sam. 5:4

c 1100 B.C. Samuel writes Judges Judg. 21:25

c 1097 B.C. Samuel anoints David as king

designate 1 Sam. 16:13

c 1097 to David writes his many Psalms Ps. 72:20

1037 B.C.

c 1090 B.C. Samuel writes the book of Ruth Ruth 4:18-22

b 1082 B.C. Samuel writes 1 Samuel 1:1—24:22 1 Sam. 25:1

1077 B.C. Death of King Saul 1 Sam. 31:7

David anointed king of Judah at

Hebron 2 Sam. 2:4

1070 B.C. David’s 3d anointing, over all Israel 2 Sam. 5:3-5

1069 B.C. David takes Jerusalem; makes it

capital 2 Sam. 5:6, 7

a 1069 B.C. The Ark brought into Jerusalem 2 Sam. 6:15

Kingdom covenant made with David 2 Sam. 7:12-16

c 1040 B.C. Gad and Nathan write 1 Samuel 25:1 2 Sam. 24:18

to 2 Samuel 24:25

1037 B.C. Death of King David, age 70 1 Ki. 2:10, 11

Solomon anointed as king of Israel 1 Ki. 1:39;

1Ki 2:12

1034 B.C. Construction of Solomon’s temple

begun 1 Ki. 6:1

1027 B.C. Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem

completed 1 Ki. 6:38

c 1010 B.C. Solomon writes most of Proverbs Prov. 1:1;

Pr 10:1;

Pr 25:1;

Eccl. 12:9

c 1010 B.C. Solomon writes Song of Solomon Ca. 1:1

c 1000 B.C. Solomon writes Ecclesiastes Eccl. 1:1

997 B.C. Rehoboam succeeds Solomon, kingdom 1 Ki. 11:43;

split 1Ki 12:19

980 B.C. Abijam succeeds Rehoboam 1 Ki. 15:1, 2

978 B.C. Asa succeeds Abijam 1 Ki. 15:9, 10

938 B.C. Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa 1 Ki. 22:41,

1Ki 22:42

917 B.C. Jehoram succeeds Jehoshaphat 2 Ki. 8:16, 17

c 917 B.C. Joel writes the book of Joel Joel 1:1

910 B.C. Ahaziah succeeds Jehoram 2 Chron. 22:1,

2Ch 22:2

909 B.C. Queen Athaliah usurps throne 2 Ki. 11:1-3

903 B.C. Jehoash succeeds Ahaziah 2 Ki. 12:1

866 B.C. Amaziah succeeds Jehoash 2 Ki. 14:1, 2

c 852 B.C. Jonah writes the book of Jonah Jonah 1:1Jonah 1:2

837 B.C. An interregnum begins in Judah 2 Ki. 14:1, 2;

2Ki 15:1

826 B.C. Uzziah becomes king 2 Chron. 26:1-3

c 811 B.C. Amos writes the book of Amos Amos 1:1

c 782 B.C. Assyria, second world power, begins

to dominate Israel 2 Ki. 15:19

774 B.C. Jotham succeeds Uzziah 2 Chron. 27:1

759 B.C. Ahaz succeeds Jotham 2 Chron. 28:1

745 B.C. Hezekiah succeeds Ahaz 2 Chron. 29:1

742 B.C. Hosea writes the book of Hosea Hosea 1:1

740 B.C. Assyria subjugates Israel, takes

Samaria 2 Ki. 17:6,

2Ki 17:13 ,18

a 732 B.C. Isaiah writes the book of Isaiah Isa. 1:1

716 B.C. Manasseh succeeds Hezekiah 2 Ki. 21:1

c 716 B.C. Micah writes the book of Micah Micah 1:1

661 B.C. Amon succeeds Manasseh 2 Ki. 21:19

659 B.C. Josiah succeeds Amon 2 Ki. 22:1

c 655 B.C. Zephaniah writes the book of

Zephaniah Zeph. 1:1

b 632 B.C. Nahum writes the book of Nahum Nah. 1:1

c 632 B.C. Nineveh falls to Chaldeans and Medes Nah. 3:7

628 B.C. Jehoahaz succeeds Josiah 2 Ki. 23:31

628 B.C. Jehoiakim succeeds Jehoahaz 2 Ki. 23:36

c 628 B.C. Habakkuk writes the book of Habakkuk Hab. 1:1

625 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar rules as king of

Babylon Jer. 25:1

Nebuchadnezzar defeats Neco of Egypt Jer. 46:2

620 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar makes Jehoiakim

tributary king 2 Ki. 24:1

618 B.C. Jehoiachin becomes king after

Jehoiakim 2 Ki. 24:6

Nebuchadnezzar takes first Jewish Dan. 1:1-4

captives to Babylon 2 Chron. 36:6,

2Ch 36:7

617 B.C. Zedekiah is made king 2 Chron. 36:10

609 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar attacks Judah 3d time 2 Ki. 25:1

He begins 3-year siege of Jerusalem 2 Ki. 25:2

607 B.C. Fifth month (Ab 7-10) temple razed 2 Ki. 25:8-10

Jerusalem destroyed Jer. 52:12-14

607 B.C. Seventh month. Jews abandon Judah 2 Ki. 25:25,

2Ki 25:26

Babylon becomes the third world power

Jeremiah writes Lamentations Lam. preamble, LXX

c 607 B.C. Obadiah writes the book of Obadiah Obadiah 1

591 B.C. Ezekiel writes the book of Ezekiel Ezek. 40:1;

Eze 29:17

a 581 B.C. Jeremiah writes the books 1 and Jer. 52:31

2 Kings and Jeremiah 2 Ki. 25:27

539 B.C. Babylon falls to the Medes and

Persians. Dan. 5:30, 31

Medo-Persia becomes 4th world power

537 B.C. Cyrus, the Persian, issues decree 2 Chron. 36:22

permitting Jews to return to 2Ch 36:23

Jerusalem. Ezek. 1:1-3;

Jerusalem’s 70-year desolation ends Eze 3:1

Jer. 25:12;

Jer 29:10

520 B.C. Haggai writes the book of Haggai Hag. 1:1

518 B.C. Zechariah writes the book of

Zechariah Zech. 1:1

516 B.C Zerubbabel completes second temple Ezra 6:14, 15

474 B.C. Mordecai writes the book of Esther Esth. 3:7;

Es 9:32

468 B.C. Ezra and priests return to Jerusalem Ezra 7:7

c 460 B.C. Ezra writes the books 1 and 2 Chron. 36:22

2 Chronicles and Ezra Ezra 1:1

455 B.C. Jerusalem’s walls rebuilt by Neh. 1:1; 2:1,

Nehemiah Ne 2:11;

Ne 6:15

Prophecy of 70 weeks begins Dan. 9:24


443 B.C. Nehemiah writes the book of Nehemiah Neh. 5:14

c 442 Malachi writes the book of Malachi Mal. 1:1

406 B.C. Jerusalem fully rebuilt to ancient

glory Dan. 9:25

332 B.C. Greece, 5th world power, rules Judea Dan. 8:21

c 280 B.C. The Greek Septuagint translation

begun Deut. 32:43

165 B.C. Renewal of temple after desecration

by Greek idolatry. Feast of

Dedication John 10:22

63 B.C. Rome, 6th world power, rules John 19:15

Jerusalem Rev. 17:10

37 B.C. Herod (appointed king by Rome) takes

Jerusalem by storm

17 B.C. Herod begins building the third

temple John 2:20

2 B.C. Birth of John the Baptist and of

Jesus Luke 1:60; 2:7

A.D. 29 John and Jesus begin their

ministries Luke 3:1, 2, 23

(For detailed record of the events in

their ministries see chart in “Equipped

for Every Good Work”, pp. 284-287.)

A.D. 32 John the Baptist beheaded Matt. 14:10

A.D. 33 Nisan 14. Jesus provides sacrifice Luke 22:20;

for the new covenant. Is impaled Lu 23:33

A.D. 33 Nisan 16. The resurrection of Jesus Matt. 28:1-10

A.D. 33 Sivan 6, Pentecost. Outpouring of

spirit Acts 2:1:17

Peter opens the way for Jews to Matt. 16:19

Christian congregation, uses 1st Acts 2:38


A.D. 36 End of the 70 weeks of years Dan. 9:24-27

Peter uses 2d key, people of the Acts 10:1, 45

nations enter Christian


c A.D. 41-50 Matthew writes “Matthew” Matt. 28:15

A.D. 49 Governing body rule against

circumcision for peoples of the Acts 15:28


A.D. 50 Paul writes 1 and 2 Thessalonians Acts 18:11, 12

from Corinth 1 Thess. 1:1

A.D. 51 Paul writes his letter to the Gal. 1:1

Galatians from Antioch Acts 18:22, 23

A.D. 55 Paul writes 1 Corinthians 1 Cor. 15:32

from Ephesus Acts 19:1

A.D. 55 Paul writes 2 Corinthians from 2 Cor. 2:12,

Philippi 2Co 2:13

Acts 20:1

A.D. 56 Paul writes his letter to the Romans Rom. 16:1

from Corinth Acts 20:2

A.D. 56-58 Luke writes his history entitled Acts 23:33

“Luke” from Caesarea Luke 1:1, 2

A.D. 60 From Rome Paul writes: Ephesians Eph. 3:1

Philippians Phil. 4:22

Colossians Col. 4:18

Philemon Phm. 1:1

c A.D. 60 James, Jesus’ brother, writes “The Jas. 1:1

Letter of James” from Jerusalem Gal. 1:18, 19

A.D. 60-65 Mark writes his history entitled

“Mark” Col. 4:10;

1 Pet. 5:13;

2 Tim. 4:11

A.D. 61 Paul writes “Hebrews” from Rome Heb. 13:24;

Heb 10:34

A.D. 61 Luke completes writing Acts in Rome Acts 28:30

A.D. 61-64 Paul writes 1 Timothy from Macedonia 1 Tim. 1:3

Paul writes Titus from Ephesus Titus 1:5

A.D. 62-64 Peter writes 1 Peter from Babylon 1 Pet. 1:1;

1Pe 5:13

c A.D. 64 Peter writes 2 Peter from Babylon 2 Pet. 3:15,

2Pe 3:16

A.D. 65 Paul writes 2 Timothy from Rome 2 Tim. 4:16-18

c A.D. 65 Jude, Jesus’ brother, writes “Jude” Jude 1, 17, 18

A.D. 70 Jerusalem and its temple destroyed Dan. 9:27

by the Romans Matt. 23:27

Luke 19:42-44

c A.D. 96 John on Patmos writes Revelation Rev. 1:9

c A.D. 98 John writes history entitled “John” John 21:22, 23

and his letters 1, 2 and 3 John

A.D. 325 Beginning of organized apostate

Christianity at Nicea

A.D. 440 Roman Catholic sect organized at Rome

by Pope Leo I. An East-West split

A.D. 800 Beginning of the Thousand years of the

Holy Roman Empire under the joint

control of the pope and Western

European rulers

A.D. 1229 Beginning of the Catholic “Inquisition”

Persecutions of Christians reach new heights

A.D. 1456 Bibles began to be printed from movable type

A.D. 1517 The Reformation begins the severing of

many sects in protest to the Roman Catholic


A.D. 1600 British Empire begins rise as 7th Dan. 7:8

world power; charters East India Rev. 13:11;

Company Re 16:13

[It should be noted by the reader that many early Bible events occurred within years that ran from fall to fall. The Jews even today have a “civil year” that runs from fall to fall. After the Exodus in 1513 B.C. “sacred years” were inaugurated which counted from spring to spring. “Regnal years” of the kings of Israel, Judah, Babylon and Persia likewise ran from spring to spring. Where a king died before he completed his last “regnal year” his successor completed his term as an “accession year”. However, the successor did not reckon the beginning of his own first “regnal year” until the next spring. This chart seeks to adapt the above years” to our present B.C. and A.D. system of reckoning and recording of “years”.]

from WordPress https://meekspaceng.video.blog/2019/08/18/an-interesting-chronological-chart/

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2015 “Imitate Jesus!” Convention—Music-Video Presentation 1

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