Sample Conversations – Initial Call 12-2018 (Transcript)

                  Sample Conversations – Initial Call 12-2018

Question: What is the purpose of life?
Scripture: Ge 1:27, 28
Link: Why can we trust that God will fulfill his purpose?

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12-2018 ●○○ INITIAL CALL – Sample Conversations (Transcript)

Sample Conversations – Initial Call 12-2018

Question: What is the purpose of life?
Scripture: Ge 1:27, 28
Link: Why can we trust that God will fulfill his purpose?

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Love Identifies True Christians—Rejoice With the Truth

WHY IMPORTANT: In imitation of Jesus, we must bear witness to the truth regarding God’s purposes. (Joh 18:37) We must also rejoice with the truth, speak the truth, and consider whatever things are true, despite living in a world full of falsehood and unrighteousness.—1Co 13:6; Php 4:8.


Be determined not to listen to or spread harmful gossip.—1Th 4:11
Do not rejoice over another’s calamity
Take delight in positive, encouraging things


In what sense did Debbie “rejoice over unrighteousness”?

Oh Alice.
Oh Debbie, bye.
I absolutely must tell you what I heard yesterday.
You know Bethany, who years ago came from time to time in the hall?
Are you attending meetings again? Has it started again?
I would not say that. Do you know what he did? He left the man he lived with, he went to live with another.
No a moment! But do you keep hearing with her?
Well, no! I did not talk to her directly. But you know how the voices turn. However, does it seem possible to you?

How did Alice steer the conversation with Debbie in a positive direction?

Debbie, Bethany did a lot of things wrong since I stopped coming to meetings. And I sincerely hope that you make changes and come back soon. But until it happens, do you think it’s time to talk about the wrong things you’re doing now?
Well, probably not. I just thought that as we grew up together, I wanted to know how far it was from the truth.
But Debbie, we must never forget, that love does not rejoice in injustice but rejoices in the truth.
You know what you’re right. Why talk about this, let’s talk about encouraging things and better.
Yes, it’s true. Do you remember the lady we found together on duty? Well, I came back with Helen this morning and the lady was at home. He let us in, and even accepted a book.
Yes. Then we showed him a video and he said that maybe he will come to the meeting.
But it’s wonderful!

What are some of the good things that we can talk about?

*** w03 9/15 pp. 11-13 pars. 10-14 Spiritual Conversations Build Up ***
10 That which is true involves more than information that is correct and not false. It refers to something that is upright and trustworthy, such as the truth of God’s Word. Hence, when we talk to others about Bible truths that impressed us, discourses or talks that uplifted us, or Scriptural counsel that helped us, we are considering things that are true. On the other hand, we reject “the falsely called ‘knowledge,’” which gives only an appearance of truthfulness. (1 Timothy 6:20) And we avoid passing on gossip or relating dubious experiences that cannot be verified.
11 Things of serious concern are subjects that are dignified and consequential, not trivial or petty. They include concerns about our Christian ministry, the critical times in which we live, and the need for us to maintain fine conduct. When we discuss such serious matters, we reinforce our determination to keep awake spiritually, maintain our integrity, and continue preaching the good news. Indeed, interesting experiences in our ministry and current events that remind us that we are living in the last days provide a variety of material for stimulating conversations.—Acts 14:27; 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
12 The word righteous means being right in God’s eyes—meeting his standards. Chaste conveys the idea of purity in thought and conduct. Slander, obscene jokes, or sexual innuendos have no place in our conversations. (Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:8) In the workplace or at school, Christians wisely withdraw when conversations take on this tone.
13 When Paul recommends considering lovable things, he refers to matters that are pleasing and agreeable or that inspire love, as opposed to those that arouse hatred, bitterness, or contention. Things well spoken of refer to information that is reputable or of good report. Such good reports would include the life stories of faithful brothers and sisters, which appear regularly in the Watchtower and Awake! magazines. Why not share with others your impressions once you have read these faith-strengthening articles? And how encouraging it is to hear of the spiritual accomplishments of others! Such conversations will build love and unity in the congregation.
14 Paul speaks of “whatever virtue there is.” Virtue refers to goodness or moral excellence. We must be careful that our lips are guided by Scriptural principles and that they do not deviate from what is righteous, chaste, and virtuous. Praiseworthy means “commendable.” If you hear a good talk or notice a faithful example in the congregation, speak about it—both to the person involved and to others. The apostle Paul frequently praised the fine qualities of his fellow worshipers. (Romans 16:12; Philippians 2:19-22; Philemon 4-7) And, of course, the handiwork of our Creator is truly praiseworthy. There we find a wealth of subjects for upbuilding conversations.—Proverbs 6:6-8; 20:12; 26:2.

BIBLE EXAMPLE FOR MEDITATION: Lot was constantly tormented by the unrighteous conduct of people in Sodom and Gomorrah.—2Pe 2:8.

*** w90 4/15 p. 17 pars. 3-5 Prepare for Deliverance Into a New World ***
3 Lot had originally moved into the area near Sodom because of its potential for material prosperity. In time, he took up dwelling in the city itself. (Genesis 13:8-12; 14:12; 19:1) But he did not agree with the lewd practices of the men of the city, and those men did not view him as one of them, evidently because Lot and his family did not share in their social life. As 2 Peter 2:7, 8 says: “Lot . . . was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct—for that righteous man by what he saw and heard while dwelling among them from day to day was tormenting his righteous soul by reason of their lawless deeds.” Those conditions constituted a severe trial for Lot because, as a righteous man, he abhorred such conduct.
4 In our day too, the moral level of human society has become degraded. In many lands, more and more engage in premarital or extramarital sex. Even many young people in school are deeply involved in this way of life, and they ridicule those who do not join them. Homosexuals outspokenly identify themselves and parade through the streets of large cities to demand recognition. The clergy have joined in the reveling. Officially, not many churches ordain known homosexuals and fornicators. Yet, in actuality, as news reports have repeatedly shown, it is not at all difficult to find homosexuals, fornicators, and adulterers in the ranks of the clergy. In fact, some religious leaders have been moved to other cities or have even been forced to resign over sex scandals. Lovers of righteousness are not in sympathy with such wickedness; they “abhor what is wicked.” (Romans 12:9) Especially are they grieved when the conduct of people who claim to serve God brings reproach on his name and causes uninformed people to turn away from all religion in disgust.—Romans 2:24.
5 Year after year the situation grows worse. Will there be an end to it? Yes, there will! What Jehovah did to ancient Sodom and Gomorrah shows clearly that, at his appointed time, he will execute judgment. He will utterly destroy the wicked, but he will deliver his loyal servants.

ASK YOURSELF, ‘In what ways can I show that I rejoice, not over unrighteousness, but with the truth?’

*** cl chap. 30 pp. 307-308 par. 20 “Go On Walking in Love” ***
20 “Love . . . does not rejoice over unrighteousness.” The New English Bible here reads: “Love . . . does not gloat over other men’s sins.” Moffatt’s translation says: “Love is never glad when others go wrong.” Love finds no pleasure in unrighteousness, so we do not wink at immorality of any kind. How do we react if a fellow believer is ensnared by sin and fares badly as a result? Love will not let us rejoice, as if to say ‘Good! He deserved it!’ (Proverbs 17:5) We do rejoice, however, when a brother who has erred takes positive steps to recover from his spiritual fall.

*** w93 10/15 p. 20 par. 13 Love (Agape)—What It Is Not and What It Is ***
13 Moreover, we are told that love “does not rejoice over unrighteousness.” The world rejoices over unrighteousness, as can be seen by the popularity of violent and pornographic literature, films, and TV programs. All such rejoicing is selfish, having no regard for God’s righteous principles or the welfare of others. All such selfish rejoicing is sowing to the flesh and in due time will reap corruption from the flesh.—Galatians 6:8.

*** w93 10/15 pp. 21-22 par. 17 Love (Agape)—What It Is Not and What It Is ***
17 Love does not rejoice over unrighteousness but “rejoices with the truth.” Love and truth go hand in hand—God is love, and at the same time, he is “the God of truth.” (Psalm 31:5) Love rejoices at seeing truth triumph over and expose falsehood; this accounts in part for the great increase taking place in the number of Jehovah’s worshipers today. However, since truth is contrasted with unrighteousness, the thought may also be that love rejoices with righteousness. Love rejoices at the triumph of righteousness, as Jehovah’s worshipers are commanded to do at the fall of Babylon the Great.—Revelation 18:20.

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Love Identifies True Christians—Reject Selfishness and Provocation

Love Identifies True Christians—Reject Selfishness and Provocation
WHY IMPORTANT: Jesus taught that love would identify his disciples. (Joh 13:34, 35) To display Christlike love, we must look out for the interests of others and avoid becoming provoked.—1Co 13:5.
When someone says or does something hurtful, pause and analyze the cause of the problem and the consequences of your intended action.—Pr 19:11
Remember that we are all imperfect, and at times we say or do things that we later regret
Resolve differences promptly
How did Larry overreact to Tom’s suggestion?
Excuse me! Larry, Frank, did you see Kevin tonight?
Yes, it was near the literary counter.
Ah OK.
I’ll call him if you want.
A would be great! Thanks a lot.
Larry, maybe you’ve already heard that Faye Carter and David Thomas just got engaged, right?
They asked the Kingdom Hall for their wedding, maybe I Kevin you, we can talk about a few minutes tonight after the meeting, so the two guys can proceed with the preparations.
Tonight? But why do you always have to do that Tom.
As well as?
Organize all these meetings at the last minute. Look, maybe you do not want to go home and be with your family, but we do.

How did pausing to reflect help Tom to avoid provocation?
 (I do not want to be with my family? And this, what would you say!) This time just exaggerated.Now I put it in place.No, wait, what I’m saying! If I answer him now, I would risk damaging our relationship and that of our families, and then if we do not show love among us elders, think what would happen to the congregation, what a disgrace it would be for Jehovah and Jesus. What the Bible says Do not leave your own place, love is not irritated). Ah, you’re right Larry. Oh, I’m sorry. I thought it would only take a few minutes, but we can plan to do it at another time, so tonight we all go home early.
How did Tom’s mild reply diffuse the tense situation?
No! Tom, I have to apologize instead, I exaggerated. Look, you’re right! Since we are all here, it seems to me an excellent idea to take care of it immediately, if possible!
Ok, ok.
Here comes Kevin. Let’s see if he is available too.
Hey! Kevin?
Hi Tom.
Hello! How are you?

How do we benefit the congregation when we remain calm under provocation?
BIBLE EXAMPLE FOR MEDITATION: David did not retaliate when Shimei shouted curses at him.—2Sa 16:5-13.
ASK YOURSELF, ‘In what situations might I demonstrate greater self-restraint?’

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Sample Conversations – Second return visit 10-2018 (Transcript)

Question: How does God feel about our suffering?
Scripture: Isa 63:9
Link: What will God do to end our suffering?
Hi Dario
Ah! Good morning. How is everything all right?
Yes, thank you and you?
All right, thank you.
The last time we left with the question, what God feels when we suffer. Notice the comforting response of the Bible, found in Isaiah 63:9. This verse describes what God felt and did, when in the biblical times the Israelites were suffering. Would you like to read it aloud?
All right. “During all their suffering, you suffer too. There he saved his own personal messenger. In his love he is in his compassion He redeems them, and I lift them up and carry them for all the ancient days “.
Thanks Dario. According to this verse, what does God feel when he saw that his people suffered? Did you notice, what does the first part of the verse say?
He says he also suffers.
Exact. So God understood them very well. He felt sorry and suffered too. But God did not just suffer with them, his love pushed him to do something. The verse explains it, did you notice what it is?
Here he says he saved them.
That’s right. At the right time, God did something to eliminate their suffering, and at the same time comfort them so that they could endure them. God does the same today. I remember the other time, he told me how much his family suffered.
Yes indeed, we have spent some really terrible moments.
You see Dario, this verse also concerns you. When she suffers, God suffers with her, and if she allows it, God will give her comfort and help.
Look, I would really like to believe it. It’s just that so difficult.
Sure, he’s right, but through the Bible, God makes her understand that she’s really interested in her. He, for example, has promised that he will soon eliminate suffering. If you like it, we’ll talk about it next time we visit you.

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Sample Conversations – Initial Call 09-2018 (Transcript)


Question: How do we know that our suffering is not punishment from God?
Scripture: Jas 1:13
Link: Why do we suffer?
Good morning My name is Francesco and he is Claudio, what’s his name?
I’m glad to meet you. Today we are talking about a question that many are asked about God.
About God? I know that I no longer believe in God.
What could I say now? Apparently he once believed in God. I remember that the watchtower said that in the face of many tragedies they find it hard to believe in God. Well rather than making assumptions about why he no longer believes in God, I could try to make him express . He is not the only one wondering if God exists or not. But can I ask you a question? It has long been asked whether God exists?
Watch once I believed in God, I was raised like this. But then everything went wrong. My mother got sick, and my father left us. We were my brother and I, and we took care of our mother until she died.
I’m really sorry Dario.
Yes me too. In some ways I can understand it. My family has gone through a situation similar to hers.
I do not understand precisely because God has done all this to us. We are good people, we went to church every Sunday. We never hurt anyone.
I can assure you, that he is not the only one to feel these feelings. Many people try to understand, because bad things happen. The answer of the Bible will surprise you, in fact today we are here for this. We wanted to answer the question with the Bible, why can we say that our sufferings are not a punishment from God?
Yes, really?
Sure! Look at what we read here in James chapter 1 verse 13: “No one, when he faces a trial, says: ‘I am tested by God’, because with the evils God can not be tested nor let anyone test.” Notice the first part of the verse. When we face difficulties in life, we may think that God is testing us. But, are things really like that? Look at the second part of the verse. Do you agree that if God exists, can he not be tested with evil?
Well yes, it would be impossible!
I agree! And then look at the concluding part of the verse. What do you say about encouraging?
That God does not test us with evil?
That’s right. Sure! At this point one wonders, if it is not God who makes us suffer, then why do we suffer? The next time we see together, the main reason we suffer.
All right.

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Sample Conversations – First return visit 09-2018

Sample Conversations – First return visit 09-2018

Question: To what extent does God pay attention to us as individuals?
Scripture: Mt 10:29-31
Link: How do we know that God understands us?
Hi Anna, I’m glad to see you again, how are things going?
Ah! Good morning. Yes come on, well enough, thank you. How are you?
We’re fine too, thank you! When we saw each other again, we left with the question: To what extent does God care about us, individually? We can understand the answer, thanks to something that Jesus said, is that it is reported here, in Matthew chapter 10 verses 29 to 31. Would you read these verses?
Ok. “Do not two sparrows sell themselves for a small coin? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. 30 As for you, even the hairs of your head are all counted. 31 Therefore do not be afraid: you are worth more than many sparrows “.
Thank you! According to the verses we read, what does God know about every single sparrow?
And he knows, when one of them falls to the ground.
Yes, that’s right. And if you notice, each of these little birds, let alone how much you care about each of us. In fact, God is so interested in every single person that he even counts something. Did you notice what it is, based on what we read?
He says, the hair of our head.
Yes, indeed! Does not this prove that God knows perfectly, each one of us?
Oh yeah! It’s one thing I’ve never heard before.
Do not you think, that it is really nice to know, that God is interested, so much of each of us individually?
Yes, I think it’s very comforting.
The Bible teaches, another thing that is very comforting. In addition to taking care of each of us individually, God really understands us to the end. How do we know this? Next time, we will analyze together the answer given by the Bible.
Sure. All right, I’m glad.

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Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Starting Conversations That Can Lead to a Witness

Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Starting Conversations That Can Lead to a Witness

Jesus was able to witness informally to a Samaritan woman because he started a conversation with her. How can we improve our skills at starting conversations with strangers?

Be friendly and speak to people. Although tired, Jesus started his conversation by simply asking for a drink. So you can begin with a warm greeting and then perhaps comment on the weather or a current event. Remember, the initial goal is just to start a conversation, so talk about any subject that might be of interest to the person. If he or she does not respond, nothing is lost. Try again with someone else. Ask Jehovah for courage.—Ne 2:4; Ac 4:29.

Be alert for an opportunity to introduce the good news, but do not be in a hurry. Allow the conversation to develop naturally. If you force matters, the person may become uneasy and stop conversing. Do not be disappointed if the conversation ends before you can give a witness. If the idea of trying to introduce the good news intimidates you, practice starting conversations without the goal of giving a witness. [Play and discuss video 1.]

Try creating an opportunity for a witness by making a heartfelt statement about your faith that might prompt the listener to ask for an explanation. Jesus made intriguing statements that moved the woman to ask questions. When he eventually introduced the good news, he was merely answering her questions.

[Play and discuss video 2, and then play and discuss video 3.]

Starting a conversation is much like playing a game of catch. Both require at least two participants and are relatively easy to initiate. At your next opportunity, “toss” someone your words, and see if you can start a conversation.

Our Meetings and Ministry – Starting Conversations—Video 1

Excuse me, lady, can I sit here?
What a beautiful day today. I really like this park so quiet.

What a beautiful day today!
It’s true! Today, you’re just fine.
I really like this park, it’s so peaceful.
Yes, indeed. I’ve been coming here since I was my daughter’s age. They often took me there, my parents.
Is it nice, and has the park changed a lot since the hour?
Not much. The trees and bushes are larger, and that driveway has been added for walking.
You know, I’ve been coming here for about a year. We moved to the area, shortly after my husband retired.

And where did you live before?
On the other side, of the city.
I do not go often, in those parts. Is there a nice park to walk around?
Yes, but it’s not as nice as this. I too often took my children when they were young.
Ah! How many children do you have?
We have two males, and one female.
It must have been difficult. I have only one daughter, and it’s really challenging. Sometimes I wonder if I can grow it well, but maybe you learn with time.
Look, my husband and I, we followed some advice, which in our case have always worked. Can I show you?

Our Meetings and Ministry – Starting Conversations—Video 2

I think today the doctor is a bit late with visits.
Already! I had an appointment 20 minutes ago, and he has not called me yet.
Anyway, I have to say, that I’m fine with this doctor. It’s not hurried when you visit. Maybe that’s why it’s late, because it takes all the time it takes to visit patients.
But it will be like that, but my arthritis is making itself felt today. I just wish it was hurried, so I can go home.

Eh, I understand it perfectly, I’ve had arthritis for a long time.
The Watchtower  |  No. 1 2019
Everyone is subject to sickness and death today, but that will not be the case much longer. God will soon apply the benefits of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice so that “everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) What will be the result?
Sickness will be eradicated. “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’ The people dwelling in the land will be pardoned for their error.”—Isaiah 33:24.
THE WATCHTOWER No. 3 2018 | Does God Care About You?
God Will Soon End All Suffering 

Our Meetings and Ministry – Starting Conversations—Video 3

I understand it, perfectly. I too have been arthritis for a long time. I can not wait for the moment to come, when no one will have arthritis any more, or any other illness. You know, the day will come, when no one will get sick anymore.
What do you mean! Do you think doctors will find the cure for arthritis?
No! Honestly, I do not think doctors will ever succeed. But did he know that God promised to eliminate diseases?
I had none, never heard of it.
Look, I’ll show you.

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Pray Anytime Music Lyrics – Become Jehovah’s Friend Original Songs

“Pray Anytime” is an original song from the Become Jehovah’s Friend series. It features Sophia (Caleb’s sister) in her daily routine. The song teaches us that we can pray anytime and anywhere, and it can be about anything. Below is the lyrics to the song:

Pray Anytime Music Lyrics
Become Jehovah’s Friend – Original Songs

Anytime, anywhere, I can pray, 
And Jehovah will hear what I say.
When each morning I wake,
I remember to take
Just a moment to thank him for this day.

For the wonders I find on the way,
In my mind, in my heart, I can pray.
Even when there’s a crowd
And I can’t pray out loud,
Still Jehovah will hear me anyway.

Anytime, anywhere, I can pray,
And Jehovah will hear what I say.
In the night, he will hear;
When I call, he is near.
Anytime, anywhere, I can pray.

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We Got to Go to Bethel Music Lyrics – Become Jehovah’s Friend Original Songs

Have you visited you local Bethel? “We Got to Go to Bethel” is a song that can remind us of why we should visit the nearest Bethel. Visiting Bethel can help us understand and appreciate the tremendous efforts our brothers and sisters is supporting the advancements of Jehovah’s Kingdom. On this song’s music video, Caleb and Sophia together with their parents enjoyed their visit at Bethel. Below is the lyrics to the song:

We Got to Go to Bethel Music Lyrics
Become Jehovah’s Friend – Original Songs

We got to go to Bethel,
and I’m really, really glad.
We all said it was the best time
that our fam’ly ever had.
The people there at Bethel
serve Jehovah ev’ry day,
Working hard in serving others,
’cause that’s just the Bethel way.

Bethel means the “House of God.”
We call it Bethel,
Because this place is his.
It’s the “House of God.”
To serve Jehovah
Is the best work that there is.

We saw the things they make there—
books and Bibles by the ton,
So the truth about God’s Kingdom
can go out to ev’ryone.
If you can visit Bethel,
you’ll be glad you got to go.
It’s Jehovah’s house of service,
and you’ll see it’s really so.

Bethel means the “House of God.”
We call it Bethel,
Because this place is his.
It’s the “House of God.”
To serve Jehovah
Is the best work that there is.

To serve Jehovah
Is the best work that there is.

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